Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Rainbow

 We are very excited to announce that we are expecting our 'rainbow baby'!  We are due with our little boy in September.  Up until this point I have been too cautious to post about it, but since things have been going well I thought it was time to officially announce.  I have finally reached my halfway point in this pregnancy and I am so grateful that things have worked out so well this time.  We are cautiously optimistic that this really will work out for us this time and we will get to welcome our little guy soon.

Our little 'Rainbow Baby' ...

    A 'rainbow baby' is a baby who is born after a parent loses a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. I love that there is a beautiful name for these special babies born after a tragic loss. I love that rainbows always come after a 'storm'.   They are such a beautiful sign of hope and healing.  I love the symbolism and parallels we can use to define this special baby as our 'rainbow'.  All babies are special, but I truly believe that 'rainbow babies' are little miracles and you really can't put into words how grateful you are for such a wonderful blessing.
   While I am so grateful for this little 'rainbow' I have become so much more aware of my dear 'angel mama' friends.  Many of them have lost their little 'rainbow' baby too.  My heart breaks for them and the pain they must be experiencing!  I can't even imagine what they are going through.  I really want them all to know that I haven't forgotten them and they are continually in my thoughts and prayers.
     We feel truly blessed and grateful right now.  This little baby truly is a miracle.  I had been having trouble ovulating due to cysts on my ovaries.  I hadn't had a cycle in quite some time and we were becoming very discouraged.  We had reached our lowest point and I felt like I was in a massive hole that I had no way of climbing out of.  I had so many bad, 'stormy' days.  I really can't describe it other than to say it was pure awful!  We went to have some testing done a few months ago and we got the surprise of our lives.  We found out we were expecting!  We couldn't believe it!  If this isn't the definition of a miracle then I don't know what is!  There are no words to describe how elated we are to have our prayers answered.  I know Jackson must have been pulling really hard for us up there to get his little brother here.  He knew how much comfort it would bring to us!
   While I know now from experience that anything can happen at anytime, we are really trying to be optimistic and focus on the positive so we can really enjoy this pregnancy and our new little boy.
I found this beautiful quote about 'rainbow babies' and I just had to share . . .


carrielyshous said...

Congratulations again! I hope you have a calm rest of your pregnancy, and I absolutely love your quote. Mind if I steal it?

The Lambert Family said...

I love this quote! You can definitely steal it because it isn't mine! :)