Thursday, April 11, 2013


     We finally got the proof back for Jackson's headstone!  We designed it over a month ago and they just sent us this mock up.  We are really excited to finally get it made and put in the ground!  It took us quite a while to finalize our plans for it and decide on what we liked.  And, can I just say. designing a headstone is extremely stressful not to mention expensive!  This is one of the last things we can do for our little boy, so we wanted it to be just right!  It is something that is very lasting and permanent.  We really wanted to make sure we were happy with every aspect of the design.  
    We knew right away that we wanted his little hand and footprints on it in their actual sizes.  That way we can always remember just how little and sweet he was.
   We also wanted a nice picture of the Salt Lake Temple.  The temple is very important to our family and we really wanted it represented on his headstone as a reminder that 'families are forever'.
     I have always found a special connection between Jackson and butterflies, so I knew I wanted a butterfly on there too.  I found a pretty picture of a butterfly that reminded me of my little Jackson.
    We wanted our kids to be involved in this too so we asked them what else might look nice on Jackson's headstone.  They both really wanted a teddy bear on there since Jackson was a 'little baby'.  I took a picture of our "Jackson Bear" for our teddy bear picture.  Elise and Caden picked out a special teddy bear at the store that we can use in family pictures every once in a while to represent Jackson ( although I haven't remembered to get it out each time we take pictures).
     Jason and I both LOVE this picture of our hands in the shape of a heart with Jackson's little feet, so we wanted it on there as well.  It has really become a special picture to us.
   They also told us we had to have a 'background picture' too.  We decided on clouds because they remind us of peace and heaven.
   The hardest part was the words.  We knew we wanted some type of scripture or quote on there, but we had trouble coming up with something we both really liked that was special to us.  We both really love this scripture in Moroni 8:19 of the 'Book of Mormon'.  It has a lot of special meaning to us.  We shortened it for the headstone, but here is the full scripture:

'Little children cannot repent; wherefore, it is awful wickedness to deny the pure mercies of God unto them, for they are all alive in him because of his mercy.'

  The proof picture is black and white, but the actual headstone will be done in bronze with a granite border. We can't wait to get it!  We are hoping it will be done in time for memorial day and his birthday which are both coming up soon!  :)


Rhiannon said...

I love it! It turned out amazing! I can't wait to see it in person this summer.

carrielyshous said...

Wow, it's beautiful, and so meaningful. I love all of the little details!

Buchanan Fam said...

It is beautiful!!

Sara said...

You put so much thought and detail into Jackson's stone. It is so special. I love how your kids took part in designing it. This is so beautiful, Kim.

Lindsay Herd said...

It is beautiful!!! I love it!!