Monday, June 3, 2013

Memorial Day

    We had a very special Memorial Day this year.  My extended family on my Mom's side always gets together for a breakfast and then we visit family graves.  Just last year I remember thinking to myself what it would be like to have everyone come visit one of 'our' graves.  This year we got to experience it.  Although it was a little surreal, it was nice having so much love and support!
     We got there early in the morning to set have some time alone with our kids.  I love our cemetery because they always have such fun activities and events planned for the various holidays.  On Memorial Day they always have a really neat bag pipe ceremony in the morning.  My kids actually really liked it!  Later that afternoon we went back for free hot dogs, cookies, and drinks.  It was a really nice day!

     Jason spent a lot of time designing and building this 'J' box for Jackson's grave.  Each year on Memorial Day and his birthday we want to fill it with some pretty 'annuals' that we can then plant in our garden as a special Jackson tribute.  We actually got the idea from my aunt and uncle who do something similar for my cousin Madeline's grave.  It think it's such a fun, unique idea and a great way to include Jackson!
     Most of my family was there with us that morning after breakfast.  It was really neat to have us all together!

    We had quite a few extended family members come too.  It was nice being able to share Jackson's grave with them and have so much support.  We sang some songs and had a wonderful time visiting with each other.
   Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

What a nice experience for you guys. I think the first memorial day is a special one. I love the J box!!