Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to Talk to a Parent Who Has Lost a Child

     I found a great article about how to talk to a parent who is grieving the loss of a child.  It was written by a mother who lost a baby and has had many experienced similar to mine.  It is extremely validating to me to know that I am not the only one who has had a hard time with the lack of understanding and sometimes even the insensitivity of others.  I really think people just need to be more aware of the right and wrong things to say and do.  Most people mean well and they aren't intentionally trying to hurt us, but sometimes they struggle with the right things to say or do.  I really think this article can help people not necessarily understand what we are going through (because that is impossible) but understand how they can help us.
   You can find the full article here:  How To Talk To A Parent Who Has Lost A Child

1 comment:

carrielyshous said...

Thanks for this- I appreciate that it has been a few years for the author, and explains that time doesn't change everything.