Tuesday, September 29, 2015


     I have gone back and forth on whether or not to post about this.  It is something that has been on my mind for a very long time, and in light of recent controversy I can't stand by anymore and not express how I feel.  I am not intentionally trying to offend anyone, but I want to, and feel like I need to take a stand.   I apologize if some of what I have to say may be a little disturbing.
    As I live through each day without my little Jackson, I think of all the things he might be doing if he were here with me.  I think of all the missed birthdays, holidays, and milestones.  I look through my pictures and memories of him often and wonder about the person he would have become had he lived.  Lately, I can't help but contrast my tender feelings for my son as a mother to those of women who willingly choose to abort their babies.  I look at all these pictures of my little Jackson being loved and held by his family and I can't help but think of those little babies who were never held and loved.  It is something I don't think I will ever be able to comprehend.  As I held my little son in my arms and saw how perfect he was down to little eyelashes and fingernails, it made me physically sick to think that people can 'get rid of' babies at this stage and later because they want to.  
   I have always hated the words 'Pro-Choice'.  I think it is very easy to hide behind those words instead of thinking about what those words really mean- Pro-Murder.  I don't understand how anyone can not see these babies as people who deserve a chance at life. We all started this life the same way.  Each and every person on this earth is here because they had a mother who gave birth to them.  How dare we 'choose' to take away the life of someone else because we want to.
   Being Pro-Life, I couldn't help but watch the undercover videos put out by the  Center for Medical Progress to expose Planned Parenthood and their practice of selling aborted baby body parts.  They were horrifying and disturbing to say the least.  After these videos came out you'd think people's view of abortion and Planned Parenthood would change.  You'd think everyone would be just as horrified and disturbed as I was.  Wrong.  I have seen so many people, even dear friends and family members of mine come to their defense and I cannot understand it.  Why?  Do you understand what you are defending?  I don't tell me it's women's rights and healthcare.  There are plenty of free health clinics for women out there that don't abort and mutilate babies for profit.
   I think we live in a world that, over time, has lost it's morals, values, and conscious.  How can you watch a video of an aborted baby born alive, still moving, and then see it's brain dissected moments later and feel nothing?  How can  you see a video of little baby body parts spread out in a tray and not see that as a little person?   How can anyone remove themselves so far from reality that they don't consider the life inside them a life at all, but a "mistake", they need to get rid of.   How can anyone consider themselves a good person and be okay with any of this?  How can you consider yourself a decent human being and yet you believe that it is okay to rip the most innocent and vulnerable among us straight from their mother's body and then toss in the trash like a piece of garbage?  Do you not have a heart or a soul?  How can you separate yourself so much from all of this to the point where you can't even feel or have an empathy for these little babies?  How can you refer to these little babies as 'fetal tissue' and not a person?  Are you human?  How can you support the slaughter of innocent babies and still feel like you are a good, moral, empathetic, loving, caring person.  How can you?  I would love for a Pro-Choice activist to explain to me, in terms that make sense, how they are a decent human being despite believing it's okay to murder their baby?
    We live in an evil, morally corrupt world where people justify their actions and can easily remove themselves from the situation and hide behind words like 'choice'.  I know and believe with all my heart that all lives matter.  Each and every one of us deserves a chance at life and NO ONE should be able to make that choice for us.
   I miss my little Jackson every day, and his life is important.  All lives are.  I am so glad I got a chance to love him and care for him in this life and I am looking forward to seeing him again in the next.  Until then, I will continue to honor his memory and those of all other babies lost too soon.  We all matter.  Someone needs to stand up for these babies!  If we don't, then who will?


Trisha said...

Thank you for posting this Kim. I think a lot of us are afraid to express this opinion but more of us need to. If we don't try to educate people it will never change.

cara mengobati penyakit epilepsi said...

wow so awesome