Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th

   The month of October has a lot of meaning in our family now.  October is 'National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month' and October 15th is 'National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day'.  I was also due on October 24th of this year.  I usually have a scheduled C-Section about a week prior to my due date, so it could have easily been today.  October will always be a special month at our house and I look forward to honoring Jackson's memory each October 15th.
     It makes me sad that I don't get to celebrate all the little milestones with Jackson as he grows up.  We won't get to see him smile, crawl, or walk.  Even though we don't have our son here with us I want everyone to know that we do have another son.  He will  never be forgotten.  We miss our baby boy so much!
     I really want to make the month of October special each year in our family.  We will never forget Jackson and he will always hold a special place in our hearts.  I plan on lighting a candle tonight for the 'Wave of Light' at 7:00 pm. along with all the other mothers of lost angels in remembrance.  We love you Jackson!

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