I really wish people would try to understand how hurtful it can be to 'joke' about being pregnant. Pregnancy should NEVER be something to joke about. It is an extremely sensitive topic that too many people take lightly. While it may seem cute and funny to pretend you are pregnant on April fools or any other time for that matter, it is extremely hurtful and painful for those of us who have lost a child, are going through infertility issues, have never been able to conceive etc. I promise you, it is like a slap in the face. Some people might think we are being 'too sensitive' and need to 'calm down', but please try for a second to put yourself in our shoes. If you have just lost a child or have been having trouble conceiving one, anything to do with pregnancy and babies is hard to be around. We have a hard enough time putting on a brave face and having the courage to face the every day struggles this brings. It is a pain that NEVER goes away. It is ALWAYS on our mind. It is hard enough to get on social media and see all the cute maternity portraits and baby photos of our friends and family. It cuts like a knife when we get on facebook etc. and see people pretending to be pregnant. It is making light of something that we take very serious and wish more than anything that we had. It is not even slightly funny. You would never joke about being blind around a blind person etc., or pretend to have cancer or some type of debilitating handicap around someone who is suffering from that very thing, so why make jokes about pregnancy around someone who wants a baby more than anything and can't have one?
The tough thing is we don't always know who is suffering in this and who is not. Some people prefer to keep something this tender and sensitive to themselves. But, just because they aren't outspoken about it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when people talk and joke about it.
So, if you care about our feelings please treat everyone like they are going through this and refrain from making jokes about pregnancy and being pregnant. We need all the love and sensitivity we can get when dealing with something as painful as this. Your thoughtfulness in this matter can really go a long way and help easy the heavy burden we have to bare. Trust me.
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